It's not that I forgot about this blog. Far from it. It's actually always been on the back of my mind.
I would make notes of all the different ideas, every time I came up with one, but I never ended up getting around to it due to - energy levels, time, or just life being life.
But I thought today, I'm just going to post something.
Think of it as my first step in my second (third? fourth? fifth?) attempt at re-updating this thing. "The journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step." or something, right?
I've learnt so much over the last four years. About teaching, learning, leading, being a dad, hell, being a person.
I've also met and built relationships with so many amazing people. Some of them, they probably don't reciprocate the feeling as we had our clashes and debates (re: arguments), but in hindsight, it only expanded on my experiences, my knowledge and ultimately, who I am now. I thought I understood what Steve Jobs meant when he said to trust the process and "the dots will connect later on", but now I really understand what that means.
Anyway, enough with the airy fairy fluff stuff.
Some things that have been on my mind (the past 1000+ days) include:
- Role players (think, 'support') making ideal leaders (in some cases)
- Feel vs Pattern
- Some problems with using games in education
- Why aren't educational games as engaging as 'normal' games?
- My history/journey of learning from games (and my hobbies)
- What I've been up to (more for personal reflection later for future-me - just like the rest of this blog :))
I think one of the first reasons I stopped updating this as often was because I started it thinking I could find other like-minded people out there. But I didn't really want to promote it, because I didn't think it really has anything of value - afterall, just one person's opinion. So it kind of just became like my collection of random thoughts.
After reading through these though, made me realise how I've progressed as a thinker, learner and as a person. So, moving forward, I'd like to continue doing this for myself. Like a logbook of sorts.
I'm in my last year of being in my 30s. I can't wait to see how my outlook changes and shifts as I get old (and probably grumpy)!
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